Monday, December 22, 2008


Saturday was Mom's birthday. We all got together at my house for a party Sunday for lunch! (All 18 of us) We had gumbo, rice, potato salad, pear salad, cheese ball and crackers, french bread, and Joel's boudin balls with special dips. Joel got a grand idea that he wanted to make boudin balls late Saturday night. So off to Wal-Mart he went. Needless to say, he was up to 3 AM making them.

Here is the birthday lady with her date......What a nice looking couple!

PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES! We took tons of family pictures. Here is one of MeMe and her great grandchildren in Shreveport. We are so glad to have MeMe here for Christmas! (This is the best picture of them I had.....Afterall, there are 7 kids just a wiggling!)

Look at these pretty girls eating their lunch. Caught you Hannah!

AND FOR DESSERT...brownies and icecream, cherry pie, or toasted coconut pie!!! I didn't make them... Marci did!
Zach wants some ice--ceam too! What a great time we had just being with our family!
Then everyone left.....and we were just one tired family! The End. Merry Christmas!

For Boudin Ball Orders, Call Joel! They were WONDERFUL! His kitchen is open UNTIL........ 3 AM!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

The food sounds wonderful, I'll be right over next time you have a party. Looks like you had a great time. Thanks for keeping us updated on all the happening around there.